To make a Custard
A Custard the coffin [pastry case] must be first be hardened in the oven, and then take a quarte of cream and five or six yolks of eggs and beat them well together, and put them into the cream, and put in sugar and small raisins and dates sliced and put into the coffin butter or else marrow, but on the fish days put in butter.
To make Blancmange
Take a capon and cut out the brawn of him alive and parboil the brawn till the flesh come from the bone, and then dry him as dry as you can, in a fair cloth, then take a pair of cards and card him as small as is possible, and then take a bottle of milk and a bottle of cream, and half a pound of Rye flour and your carded brawn of the capon, and put all into a pan, and stir it all together and set it upon the fire, and when it begins to boil put there half a pound of beaten sugar and a saucer-full of rosewater, and so let it boil till it be very thick, then put it into a charger till it be cold and then you may slice it as you do a carcase and so serve it in.
This recipe is just amazing as well as a hell of a lot of work.